We are open Monday-Friday following the Mohawk Trail Regional School District calendar for school vacations and holiday closings. Families may choose either a half-day or full-day schedule. The half-day runs from 7:45 to 12:00 noon. The full day runs from 7:45 to 4:30. There is a lunch option for half-day preschool children (for an additional fee) that extends the morning to 1:00 p.m. The Lunch option is not currently available for Toddler-aged children. We also offer an after school program for young children in the early elementary grades. The Sanderson Academy (the local public elementary) school bus stops outside our door to drop off children enrolled in our after school program.
The preschool is open year-round. We are closed the week between Christmas and New Year's, a week for February vacation and a week for April vacation. We are also closed for a week before the six week summer program and for two weeks before the new school year. We observe all state and federal holidays.
Our current tuition fees are:
Full day: $48.00 per day for preschool / Full Day Toddler $50.00
Half-day: $30.00 per day for preschool / Half Day for Toddler $34.00
Optional “lunch bunch” for half-day children (Not available for Toddlers): $6 per day