The Ashfield Community Preschool provides a nurturing, supportive environment that promotes the growth of each child at his or her individual pace.  We emphasize social and emotional development, while encouraging creative self expression, physical health, and school readiness.  We involve families to support children and build community.

Statement of Purpose

1. To provide high quality educational programs for preschool aged children and families

2. To increase the affordability and accessibility of programs for preschool aged children of diverse abilities and special needs, and of diverse cultural, linguistic, and economic backgrounds

3. To enhance collaboration among community programs and services for preschool aged children and their families

4. To conduct community outreach to ensure that children of families who may be hard to reach by traditional methods are located and offered an opportunity to participate in a program that meets their needs

5. To provide high quality educational programs that meet the needs of children of working parents by providing programs covering the times in which parents need to be working or commuting to and from work

6. To provide educational and care services without discrimination in the enrollment of children or in the hiring of staff regarding any of the following: gender, race, religion, cultural heritage, political beliefs, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual or gender orientation, residence or income level